Photo: Andrew Weith
Photo: Ingrid Taylor
Photo: Daderot, Wikimedia Commons
Photo: John Chacon, Department of Water Resources
Photo: Ingrid Taylar

Defending Nature & Climate

Baykeeper defends the Bay from harm and helps Bay Area residents prepare for the effects of climate change

San Francisco Bay’s wetlands, the Bay's bottom floor, and the fresh water from rivers that flow into the Bay work together to create a vital ecosystem that both people and wildlife depend on. It will be even more important to keep the Bay healthy when sea levels rise, and there is extreme flooding and drought caused by climate change. But the things that keep the Bay healthy are being mismanaged and exploited.

Baykeeper uses science, advocacy, and the law to protect the Bay's shoreline and vibrant wetlands, ensure that there is a healthy level of sand and sediment on the Bay floor, and make sure that enough fresh water flows into the Bay to keep it from getting too salty to support life. By defending the Bay's natural ecological balance, Baykeeper makes sure that residents of the Bay Area — both human and animal will thrive for generations to come.

Shoreview Project: The Bay and Climate Change

Baykeeper analyzed over 300 miles of Bay shoreline for the potential effects of seal level rise and flood conditions. We found over 1,000 contaminated sites that could pose toxic threats to the health of the Bay and Bay Area communities. Baykeeper's Shoreview project catalogs these risks, as well as what we can do to avoid the most dangerous consequences of climate change.  

‘My dream fish’: Fisherman who helps protect the bay hooks the catch of a lifetime

The San Francisco Standard

A nearly imperceptible flutter on the tip of the rod set off Zack Medinas’ fisherman’s intuition. The Gatecrasher Fishing Adventures charter captain left the cover of his boat’s cabin where his...

Why no one won in this year’s water wars


California had (is still having, amazingly) a really good water year. But all the rain and snow is doing almost nothing to lubricate the state’s perpetual conflicts between fish and farms. Neither...

Making Waves at 35: Rewilding the Bay's Shoreline

In celebration of our 35th year of defending San Francisco Bay, each month we’re sharing significant victories that we’ve won together. And we’re highlighting how these wins are still making waves...

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